A Community Stands Firm in the Face of Rapid Changes

A Community Stands Firm in the Face of Rapid Changes

Park-Ex Residents Planning to Take Action to Delay Project


By all appearances, the opposition from the residents of Park-Extension (Park-Ex) to the city’s new project imposed on them by the borough’s administration continues to grow. With city workers beginning to eliminate existing bike lanes, the urgency to take immediate action became clear. This blog post explores the community’s swift response and their creative strategy to halt the project.

The Call for Bilingual Signs

As the residents organized, a clear need emerged: more signs were necessary, and they had to be bilingual. Ensuring that both French and English-speaking residents could understand and rally behind the cause was crucial. This attempt at inclusivity isn’t surprising given the diverse makeup of the Park-Ex community and their united front against the changes.

City Workers and Street Changes

On the day in question, city workers began their efforts to eliminate existing bike lanes. This action, which took place despite the streets being filled with parked vehicles, raised concerns among residents about potential damage to their cars from the industrial machinery scoring the asphalt. The lack of communication and consideration for the residents’ property only fueled their resolve to take action.

A Creative Protest Plan

In the midst of the growing tension, a resident proposed a novel idea to disrupt the city’s plans. The strategy was simple yet effective: residents would park their cars on the street at night and during the day, they would set up makeshift tables, gather with family and friends, have coffee, and play chess. This daily presence would create a community atmosphere that would make it difficult for the workers to proceed with their tasks. It would also buy them time to begin negotiations with city officials.

Execution of the Plan

The residents quickly mobilized to put this plan into action. Each morning, they planned to get up bright and early and if possible bring out tables, chairs, and chessboards, turning the streets into a vibrant communal space. Families and friends could gather, enjoying coffee and games, creating a lively and resistant atmosphere that would highlight the community’s solidarity and determination.

The Power of Persistent Protest

The residents’ consistent presence on the streets would send a strong message to the borough administration. The hope was that this form of peaceful protest would demonstrate their unwavering commitment to protecting their neighborhood from unwanted changes. By making it practically impossible for the workers to continue their efforts and gaining the attention of the media to their cause, the residents could aspire to effectively stall the project.

Standing up for one’s neighborhood

The immediate and creative actions discussed by the Park-Ex residents underscore the power of community and the importance of standing up for one’s neighborhood. Their desire to organize quickly and implement such a strategy and attempt to integrate everyday activities into their plans to disrupt the city’s efforts is a testament to their ingenuity and resolve. As the situation continues to unfold, the residents of Park-Ex appear to be prepared to defend their way of life against unilateral decisions. We’re curious to see what unfolds.