The Park-Ex Controversy: A Community Stands Against Unilateral Decisions

The Park-Ex Controversy: A Community Stands Against Unilateral Decisions


The residents of Park Extension (Park-Ex) have found themselves at the center of a controversial project initiated by the borough’s mayor without proper consultation. This move has sparked outrage among the community, which is predominantly comprised of immigrants and minorities. The lack of transparency and alleged absence of a proper study to support the project’s implementation has led to a call for legal action and protests. In this article, we explore the issues, the community’s response, and the proposed actions to address the situation.

Lack of Consultation and Transparency

The mayor’s decision to proceed with the project without adequate consultation has raised significant concerns. Residents claim there was no proper study conducted to justify the changes.

The discussions that ensued amongst the residents centered around proposing alternative solutions to what the city was attempting to implement.

The people opposed to the city planners expressed concerns about the loss of parking spaces for residents housed not only on Querbes but also neighboring streets like Ball and De l’Épée. They also expressed concerns about the safety of cyclists, car owners, and residents alike.

The absence of transparency has fueled suspicions of neglect and discrimination against the predominantly immigrant community of Park-Ex. As one resident, pointed out, this could be seen as a form of systemic racism, as the concerns and voices of minorities have been ignored.

Community Response

The community’s response has been one of unified resistance. Residents are calling for immediate legal action and demanding transparency from the borough’s administration. Key actions include:

1. Protesting at Council Meetings: Residents are urged to attend council meetings, protest, and demand access to the so-called study that allegedly supports the project.

2. Legal Consultation: Engaging with legal experts to challenge the mayor’s plan. The goal is to file an injunction to halt the construction until a thorough investigation and alternative solutions are presented.

3. Involvement of Opposition Party: Ms. Deros, a member of the opposition party, has been vocal about the lack of transparency. She has requested the study but has not received it after several months, raising further doubts about its existence.

4. Media and Public Awareness: Efforts are being made to bring media attention to the issue. Residents are encouraged to contact local news outlets like CTV News and newspapers to shed light on the administration’s actions.

Impact on Residents

The immediate impact on residents has been profound. For example, the construction has led to the towing of vehicles, including a school bus, and has displaced residents with disabilities who rely on designated parking spaces. The costs of towing and fines are additional burdens on the community.

I came back from work around 2am and no sign !!!

Proposed Solutions

The community has floated several proposals to mitigate the impact of the project:

– Implementing a bi-directional cycle lane on one side of Querbes Ave.

– Adding traffic lights for bicycles at each intersection to ensure safety.

– The addition of three speed bumps to further reduce speeds as has been achieved by those already in place on Querbes between Beaumont and Ogilvy.

They could have done this on ball street


The Park-Ex community’s fight against the borough mayor’s decision underscores the importance of transparency, consultation, and respect for all residents. As the community continues to demand accountability and seek legal recourse, it is crucial for the administration to listen and engage with the residents they serve. The ongoing situation in Park-Ex is a stark reminder of the power of community action and the need for equitable urban planning.