Park-Ex Residents Hatch Plan to Protest Against New Project

Park-Ex Residents Hatch Plan to Protest Against New Project

Community Mobilizes for Unity and Justice in Face of Unilateral Decisions


The residents of Park-Extension (Park-Ex) are mobilizing to protest against a controversial project imposed by the borough’s administration without proper consultation. This initiative, which threatens the community’s current way of life, has sparked a wave of unity among residents. They are planning a protest to ensure their voices are heard and to fight for their rights. In this blog post, we delve into the conversation that led to this decision and outline the steps residents are taking to challenge the project.

Diverse Transportation Needs

One of the central themes in the residents’ discussions is the diverse transportation needs of the community. Unlike other neighborhoods in Montreal, Park-Ex residents rely on a mix of public transport, bicycles, and cars. They argue that it is unjust to force a single mode of transportation on everyone, as each individual has different reasons for their choice. The community emphasizes that their neighborhood’s needs differ significantly from those of more homogeneous areas like Plateau Mont-Royal.

Engaging with the Ombudsman and Municipal Council

A significant step in their plan was contacting the Ombudsman. Residents were advised to bring their complaints to the Municipal Councilor. This suggestion led to the idea of organizing a protest to coincide with a council meeting, ensuring that their voices would be heard by the local authorities.

Unity and Collective Action

The residents are determined to maintain their unity in this fight. A conversation with Josue, a councilor from St-Michel, inspired further action. He informed them about an upcoming protest in his area, which some Park-Ex residents planned to join. This cross-neighborhood solidarity is an attempt to reinforce the message that there is in being united.

Addressing Cyclists’ Concerns

Residents also clarified their position regarding cyclists. They want to ensure safety for both cyclists and motorists and support the development of bike paths. Their primary concern is the removal of parking spaces, which would have devastating impacts on the community.

They stressed the importance of working together to find a solution that benefits everyone. One alternative circulated amongst the group garnered much support.

Protest Details

The protest is scheduled for October 3, 2023, at 6:30 PM, in front of the City Building at 405 Rue Ogilvy. Residents plan to gather at Park Metro and march to the protest location, raising their voices against the city’s actions. They aim to continue collecting signatures and rallying support until their concerns are addressed.

Impact on Housing

Another critical issue discussed is the impact of the project on housing. Many buildings in Park-Ex are owned by companies, and the project’s implementation could drive up rental prices, making it unaffordable for families. Residents fear that giving up the fight would lead to the community’s destruction, as there are few alternatives for affordable housing in Montreal.

Standing Firm

The Park-Ex community is standing firm against the borough administration’s unilateral decisions. They emphasize that this is a fight for the future of their neighborhood, which is already vulnerable due to systemic issues. By organizing protests and engaging with local politicians, they hope to protect their diverse, vibrant community from changes that do not reflect their needs or interests. The planned protest on October 3rd is a crucial step in their ongoing struggle for justice and representation.