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The Peril of Placing Bike Paths Between Parked Cars and Sidewalks

Bike Lane Peril: Are Separated Paths a Danger for Cyclists and Pedestrians

The Quest for Safe Cycling

In recent times, the implementation of separated bicycle lanes, often nestled between parked cars and sidewalks, has been on the rise in various cities worldwide. The same is true of Montreal which has started implimenting such bike lanes across the city. One of the latest places that has seen such a path implemented is in the Park-Extension area and more specifically Querbes Avenue.

Proponents argue that these lanes promote cyclist safety and encourage a more active lifestyle. The mayor of the Borough insists that these new paths will improve security. Laurence Lavigne Lalonde, insisted that the cities studies showed that these changes were required and she would not want to wait until a kid gets hurt before taking action. Although the residents have been requesting access to said studies, it turns out that no such studies were done. However, a study conducted by the Community and Regional Planning Program in Denver, Colorado, raises significant concerns about the safety of such separated bicycle lanes.

What the Studies Have Found

The study conducted on the relationship between separated bicycle lanes and bicycle crashes in Denver, Colorado, delivered striking results. The research employed a Poisson Rate Regression analysis method, combining crash data with the current bicycle facilities in the city. The findings were statistically significant and revealed a startling trend – separated bicycle lanes were associated with more bicycle crashes than shared roads. These findings are mirrored in an IIHS study which found that street-level protected bike lanes like the one on Querbes Ave have a high risk of injury to cyclists.

Separation Doesn’t Equal Safety

Contrary to popular belief, the study’s data challenged the assumption that separating cyclists from vehicular traffic makes cycling safer. In fact, it suggested that such separation may increase the risk of accidents for cyclists. Of all the types of separated bicycle lanes examined, the cycle track appeared to be the riskiest, with the highest incidence of bicycle crashes. These data points have been corroborated by seasoned transportation professionals.

The Urgent Need for Reevaluation

These findings cast doubt on the wisdom of implementing separated bicycle lanes as a blanket solution for cyclist safety. While these lanes may provide a sense of security for cyclists, the actual accident data suggests otherwise. It is crucial for city planners and policymakers to reconsider their approach to bike lane design and prioritize the safety of cyclists. Laurence Lavigne Lalonde the Borough mayor needs to reconsider her stance on this issue.

Future Research Directions

The study also highlighted the need for further investigation. Future studies should aim to create and compare more accurate crash rates, incorporating bicycle and traffic volume data. Additionally, assessing crash rates before and after the installation of separated bicycle lanes on specific streets is essential for a comprehensive understanding of their impact on safety. The lack of accurate data before and after any changes is implemented is unacceptable.

City Officials need to Take a step Back

The implementation of separated bicycle lanes, with the intention of enhancing cyclist safety, has raised significant concerns based on the findings of the study conducted in Denver, Colorado. While the idea of physically separating cyclists from vehicular traffic may seem appealing, it is essential to base such decisions on empirical data and thorough analysis. The study’s results suggest that separated bicycle lanes may not be the panacea for cyclist safety, urging city planners and legislators to reevaluate their strategies and prioritize the protection of cyclists on the road.

Negligent Actions of the Mayor

One cannot ignore the glaring negligence exhibited by the mayor in enforcing these changes despite the heartfelt pleas of concerned citizens. The citizens, driven by their genuine desire to ensure the safety of their children, elderly, cyclists, handicapped members of the community, as well as saving the parking spots for the residents of the Borough have repeatedly voiced their concerns.

It is disheartening to witness the mayor’s disregard for the safety and well-being of her constituents, particularly when empirical evidence questions the effectiveness of the separated bicycle lanes. Ignoring the pleas of the community, who are the most affected by these changes, raises significant questions about the mayor’s commitment to their welfare and the responsible execution of her duties. It is essential for public officials to listen to the concerns of their constituents and prioritize their safety above all else when implementing urban infrastructure changes.


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Vanishing No Parking Signs in Parc-Extension: A Closer Look at Community Concerns

Unveiling the Mystery: Vanishing No Parking Signs Stir Controversy in Parc-Extension

A Closer Look at the Disappearing No Parking Signs and Their Impact on the Community


Montreal’s Parc-Extension neighborhood remains at the center of an impassioned debate regarding proposed changes that involve the elimination of parking spots and the expansion of bike lanes. This ongoing dispute recently escalated during a Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension borough council meeting, prompting the need for police intervention. The core of the issue revolves around the ambitious plan to redesign two bike lanes on Querbes and Ball avenues, which would result in the removal of 250 parking spaces. In this article, we will explore the latest developments that have left the community bewildered.

Vanishing No Parking Signs:

In the continuing saga of Montreal’s Parc-Extension neighborhood and its battle over proposed bike lanes and parking spaces, a recent turn of events has left residents perplexed and frustrated. The sudden appearance and disappearance of no parking signs along certain streets have raised numerous questions. This development has amplified existing concerns about transparency, fairness, and the treatment of marginalized communities that hold differing views from their elected officials.

Residents of Parc-Extension were taken aback when they realized that the stretch of streets from Querbes and Liege to Jean-Talon and Querbes was devoid of no parking signs on a Tuesday night. This unexpected occurrence left many puzzled, especially considering the intense debate surrounding changes to the neighborhood’s bike lanes and parking infrastructure. Initially, the community believed that the mayor had reconsidered and would finally listen to their concerns, seeking an alternative solution that better accommodates all parties involved.

However, on Wednesday, the no-parking signs reappeared, only to be taken down again Wednesday night. Residents parked their cars and went to sleep, only to wake up to find their cars ticketed or towed.

No parking sign - Park-Extension
No parking sign – Park-Extension

Emergence of Evidence:

As news of the missing no parking signs spread, concerned residents provided evidence that painted a troubling picture. It became evident that city workers, accompanied by a police escort, had returned in the early hours of the morning to reinstall the no parking signs. This raised a critical question: How can individuals be penalized for parking in good faith when the signs designating the parking restrictions were temporarily absent?

Community Concerns:

The controversy surrounding the removal and subsequent reinstallation of the no parking signs has incited outrage among Parc-Extension residents. Many individuals within the neighborhood’s marginalized communities feel that their voices and concerns are being disregarded by elected officials determined to push through their agenda, regardless of opposition.

The removal of the signs, even if temporary, raises questions about the transparency and fairness of the decision-making process. It also calls into question whether residents who hold different views from their elected representatives are being treated unfairly or discriminatorily.

Transparency and Civic Engagement:

The events surrounding the missing no parking signs underscore the importance of transparency and civic engagement in local decision-making. Residents are increasingly advocating for a more inclusive process that considers the diverse needs and concerns of the community.

The city towed cars 4 hours after placing no parking signs
The city towed cars 4 hours after placing no parking signs

As the debate over bike lanes and parking spaces continues, it is essential to ensure that all voices are heard, respected, and treated fairly. The removal and subsequent reinstallation of parking restrictions without adequate communication or warning raise concerns about the treatment of marginalized communities in the decision-making process.

Are city officials attempting to penalize residents for standing up for themselves, or are residents fed up with the authoritarian actions of elected officials and resorting to acts of dissent by removing the signs? Regardless, the responsibility lies with the mayor’s office for mistreating this marginalized community within the district. At the very least, all tickets need to be revoked, and citizens need to be compensated for any inconvenience they have endured.

A solution that respects the rights of all community members:

The mystery of the vanishing no parking signs in Parc-Extension serves as a reminder of the need for open, transparent, and fair governance. As residents grapple with the evolving situation, it is crucial for elected officials to address these concerns and work toward a solution that respects the rights and perspectives of all community members.

The story of the missing signs is far from over, and it underscores the ongoing challenges of balancing the interests and views of a diverse community. In the spirit of democracy, it is essential to ensure that no one feels marginalized or discriminated against for expressing their opinions, and that all voices are given equal consideration in shaping the future of Parc-Extension.

Police issued tickets 4 hours after placing signs prohibiting parking
Police issued tickets 4 hours after placing signs prohibiting parking

A Call for Mayor Lalonde to Reflect on Her Actions:

Many residents of Parc-Extension are now calling upon Mayor Laurence Lavigne Lalonde to pause, take a moment to look at herself in the mirror, and reflect on her actions throughout this contentious issue. It is essential for elected officials to represent and work for the benefit of all constituents, not just a select few.

If Mayor Lalonde had taken the necessary steps to find a solution that accommodated a larger number of her constituents, particularly those from visible minority groups, much of the strife and division that has plagued the community could have been averted. Instead, her insistence on pushing through the changes without adequate consideration for the concerns and needs of a significant portion of the community is seen by many as reprehensible.

Mayor Lalonde has an opportunity to reevaluate her stance and take steps towards fostering unity, inclusivity, and equitable representation for all residents of Parc-Extension. The hope is that she will choose a path that respects the diversity of voices within the community and seeks a fair resolution to the ongoing debate.

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Community Rallies Against Unilateral Decisions: Park-Extension Residents Protest Bike Path Implementation and Parking Space Removal

Frustration Mounts as Elected Officials Appear Out of Touch with Resident Concerns

Residents Unite in Protest

On a sunny Saturday afternoon, September 16, 2023, the residents of Park-Extension converged at the intersection of Querbes and Liege at 4 pm, determined to voice their concerns and protest the VSMPE Borough’s plan to introduce bike paths while simultaneously removing 250 parking spaces. The decision had ignited a groundswell of frustration within the community.

Elected Officials Ignore Residents’ Voices

The seeds of discontent were sown during an information session held by borough officials in July. They unveiled their plans without prior consultation, sidestepping any potential referendum, and leaving the community’s voice unheard. Adding to the frustration, it was discovered that many residents residing on Querbes had not received invitations to this critical meeting and were therefore excluded from attending, deepening the rift between the community and its elected representatives.

Bike Paths Already in Place

One prominent point of contention arose from the fact that Querbes Avenue already featured bike lanes on both sides. This led residents to question the necessity of further modifications and reinforced the perception that the borough was dismissive of their concerns. The residents believe there are ways to improve the security of the existing bike paths while maintaining the existing parking spots.

Broader Neglect of Community Concerns

Moreover, this frustration extended beyond the issue of bike paths. The protest at Park Howard was a platform for residents to voice their concerns about other matters that had been consistently overlooked by elected officials.This growing sentiment emphasized citizens’ belief that their elected representatives were turning a blind eye to their concerns, fueling their frustration.

The Human Impact

The protesters discussed the real life impact this imposed decision would have on residents like Matilda Ramacieri, a disabled woman whose reserved parking space will be moved due to the bike lane changes. The also wondered how other individuals with disabilities would be forced to take a riske trying to get home. Instead of being able to step from their parked cars or while being dropped off by the taxi or STM drivers onto the safety of the sidewalk, they would have to traverse a bike path and risk being hit. These concerns highlight the very real consequences that some residents will face as a result of these changes.

A Study in Secrecy

Adding to the community’s frustration is the lack of transparency regarding a study that was conducted concerning the bike paths. Citizens, as well as City Councillor Mary Deros, who attended the rally, have repeatedly requested access to the study’s findings. Yet, the results have not been provided to the councilor, nor have they been made public for consultation by the residents. This lack of transparency raises questions about why the study’s results are being kept hidden from those most affected by the proposed changes.

Solidarity and Community Spirit

As the march proceeded along Querbes, the growing crowd symbolized the unity of the community in the face of the neglect shown by the elected officials. Passersby and onlookers couldn’t help but take notice of the burgeoning crowd, with many spontaneously joining the cause. This organic growth underscored the resilience of community spirit.

Councillor’s Unexpected Support

The march culminated at City Hall Park, 405 Avenue Ogilvy, where City Councillor Mary Deros unexpectedly joined the protest. Her presence was met with enthusiasm and relief, as she symbolized a bridge between the community and the municipal government. She addressed the gathering, acknowledging the historic importance of this moment and promising her continued support. In a surprising turn, she also announced another protest scheduled for Monday, September 18, at Querbes and Jarry, set to commence at 8 am.

Importance of Civic Engagement

In a democratic country, citizens expect respect and the opportunity to participate in decisions that affect their lives and neighborhoods. These protests were a manifestation of residents’ frustration with elected officials seemingly ignoring their desires and concerns. They highlighted the importance of civic engagement in shaping their community’s future and addressing issues that matter to its residents.

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